Home / General Dentistry / What is Invisalign: Procedure, Benefits, Cost, and Aftercare Tips

What is Invisalign: Procedure, Benefits, Cost, and Aftercare Tips


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a clear and removable dental treatment that straightens your teeth. It’s made up of aligners, plastic, or Zirconium tubes that fit over your tooth for about three weeks.

Invisalign is an effective way to remove smile imperfections like gaps between teeth or crooked smiles without the hassle and pain of metal braces that are traditionally used in dentistry today.

What is the Procedure for Getting Invisalign?

Getting Invisalign is done in steps, and these include:

1) Initial Consultation

The first step is for you to get an initial consultation with our office staff so we can discuss what options are available based on your needs and budget. We will also take x-rays of your teeth so that we know where you stand when it comes to achieving optimal alignment.

2) Creating Custom-made Appliances

Next, our local Invisalign dentist in Austin, TX, will start working on creating custom-made appliances based on these x-rays and other information gathered during the initial consultation session. These appliances are made of clear plastic (or sometimes porcelain) material, so they can be worn over time until they eventually become as invisible as possible under normal circumstances.

The dentist will create an individualized treatment plan for you, which will be sent back in the mail. You will then consult our dentist in Austin to discuss the treatment plan.

3) The Treatment Phase

The treatment phase involves wearing each aligner for 22 hours daily, for about two weeks, before moving on to the next one until all are completed and your teeth are in their desired position. You will also be required to visit your dentist every eight weeks to have the treatment assessed. The Invisalign treatment can last between six to 18 months, based on the severity of the treatment.

4) Retainer Phase

After the Invisalign, the treatment you will receive is a retainer that will hold the teeth in the new position and prevent them from reverting.

What are the Benefits of Invisalign Treatment?

Invisalign treatment is a great way to get straight teeth without going under the knife. There are many benefits of Invisalign treatment, such as:

  • The clear aligners are removable, meaning you can eat, drink and brush your teeth with them.
  • Invisalign is not a painful process.
  • The aligners are made of a comfortable material you can barely feel while wearing them.
  • Invisalign is available in various colors, so you can choose the one that matches your personality.
  • Invisalign treatment can correct crooked teeth and smiles, making it great for children who are still developing their permanent teeth.
  • The aligners are customized so that they will fit your bite.

What is the Cost of Getting Invisalign?

Invisalign is more expensive than traditional metal braces and less expensive than comparable dental work. The average cost is $5,000 to $7,000 per arch. This is because there are multiple aligners in each case, so if you have two sets of aligners made up for your treatment plan (which can be done at no additional charge), those costs could add up quickly.

In addition to these expenses related to getting Invisalign done professionally by a dentist or orthodontist on your behalf, other factors influence how much this treatment plan will cost: The complexity of your case — the more complicated, the costlier. If you already have a set of teeth that have been compromised by tooth decay or wear and tear, you may also require oral surgery to be done.

What are the Aftercare Tips for Invisalign?

Aftercare is necessary to ensure that the aligners are working properly. This is to avoid any complications and to make sure that the teeth stay in place.

Here are some aftercare tips for Invisalign:

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly before and after meals, including brushing the tongue.
  • If there are any signs of plaque buildup or gum disease, then it’s time for an appointment with a dentist who can treat those problems before they become worse than they already are!
  • Floss
  • Use mouthwash
  • Rinse with water
  • It’s important to visit the dentist regularly and get regular checkups. Scheduling a dental cleaning bi-annually, depending on how often you use the aligner.

Visit an Invisalign Dentist Near You

We at Lake Travis Family and Cosmetic Dentistry offer Invisalign near Lakeway, TX! Call us now or schedule an appointment for more information about getting Invisalign in North Austin, TX, and what you can expect.

Dr. Kirpal Toor
Dr. Kirpal Toor

When Dr. Kirpal Toor is not perfecting smiles at the office, he is a husband, father, and avid adventurist. He loves to travel to immerse himself in cultural experiences around the world. He enjoys playing basketball, snowboarding, hiking great peaks, and running half marathon races.

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